On a roadtrip to Lesotho

BP Station in Drakensberg, South Africa

BP Station in Drakensberg, South Africa

Some people cross your roads and walk in your heart forever. Some countries do too. In 2005 I was an exchange student at University of Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth, South Africa; I country that has conquered quite a big piece of land in my heart. During Easter break some friends and I went on a road trip to Drakensberg and Lesotho. We explored the rough wild coast of South Africa, including Coffee Bay, hiked in Drakensberg and visited a village in Lesotho. We could experience many beuatiful sceneries and thatched roofs on the houses were a rool, rather than an exception. On the road up to Drakensberg and Lesotho we could confirm this, by adding the fact that even the roof of a BP gas station was made out of thatch. This gas staion truly belongs to one of my gems in my gas station collection. Enjoy!