Iceland. Exotic but ordinary

Icelandic gas station
Gas station in Iceland. Ordinary, not exotic

This story took place after the financial collapse, but before the volcano Eyjafjallajokull had one of her famous angry moments. In fact, it happened only a few days before Eyjafjallajokull decided to erupt. By a coincidence my working colleague Maria and I took the very last plane back to Sweden, the same night the volcano had that last eruption which stopped the airline traffic for weeks after.  

I was working at School of Education and Communication at Jönköping University and was fortunated to go on a Erasmus staff exchange to visit one of our partner universities in Reykjavik, Iceland. Exotic indeed, but the weather as well as the gas stations were nothing else but ordinary Scandinavian; we visited the Blue Lagoon in a hailstorm and at

We made a stop at this ordinary gas station, right by the so called ringroad, close to Reykjavik. The gas station could be anywhere in a Scandinavian country, during any of the four seasons; remember that we have about 250 (at least) different words for rain – but the language immediately reveals the destination. We managed to pick the full service tank – we should have understood that full þjónusta. The brand by the way, is oliuverzlun. It means oil business. Very exotic and innovative.